Friday, May 22, 2009

Are you prepared to say YES?

I’ve been thinking about some of the significant experiences I’ve had in my life and the one thing that is clear is they all started with me putting myself in a position to say YES!

Let me give you a couple of examples. A few years back I was living in Vancouver studying to be a Chartered Accountant. I had just finished the uniform final exam and was waiting for the results when I got a job offer to work in Bermuda. I said yes right there while on the phone to the surprise of many people around me.

A few years later a good friend was telling me about a trip he was planning to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. He then asked me if I would like to come with him. I said yes right there on the spot. He was surprised how quickly I said yes and kept asking me if I was sure. But I was absolutely certain and booked the flights the next day.

In both these examples these choices may have seemed quick to others but for me it was easy to say yes because I had already created the goal for myself to do these things. Mount Kilimanjaro has always intrigued me after I heard a radio DJ broadcast from the top of Africa. I put it on My Life List as something I really wanted to do. The same goes for wanting to live and work in Bermuda so when the offer came it was obvious to me that I would say yes!

In the above examples I was prepared to say yes, as I had already decided that these experiences were something I had a desire to do.

Putting yourself in a position to say yes is a powerful mindset and through practice can become a habit. Think back at the moments in your life that you regret having said no to an opportunity. If you're unprepared, the easy answer is always no, however if you’ve created a roadmap for your life and an opportunity arrives it becomes easier and even automatic to say yes!

So if I were to ask you today to do something you’ve always wanted to do would you be prepared to say YES?

"Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?”- Eric Allenbaugh

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About Bill Starr
Bill Starr is an avid 'life lister' and a founding partner and CEO of My Life List™ (, an award winning goal achievement website that uses a proven methodology and the power of social networking to help people achieve their goals and inspire others.

1 comment:

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