Friday, May 29, 2009

Can achieving goals improve the quality of your life?

I received a note this week from a college friend who completed an item on her life list and ran a marathon. As a wife, mother and professional she certainly had a full schedule but she made the time to dedicate to this personal achievement. To her surprise and joy she ran the marathon in under 4 hours. An amazing achievement for her first marathon! Check out her story Running a Marathon

These are the kinds of experiences I love hearing about and sharing with others. It was a significant goal and the thing I love about it was how her family became such a big part of the experience. Think of the lessons she has taught her kids about setting a goal and achieving it. Immediately after the marathon she signed up to complete an Olympic triathlon. She is benefiting from the power of momentum and it is enriching her life in many ways by achieving these personal goals.

So is there a goal that you can set for yourself today that would have an immediate and positive impact on the quality of your life?

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”Jim Rohn

If you are not a member yet, it's free and easy to join by visiting CREATE your life list, ACT on your goals and CELEBRATE a story of a significant experience to inspire others!

About Bill Starr
Bill Starr is an avid 'life lister' and a founding partner and CEO of My Life List™ (, an award winning goal achievement website that uses a proven methodology and the power of social networking to help people achieve their goals and inspire others.


MoneyEnergy said...

Been seeing lots of comments/quotes from Jim Rohn lately. Also really looking forward to reading the book!

Unknown said...

Great blog. Yes, Of course achieving goals will improve our quality of life. Thanks for sharing such an informative and useful info shared here. By the way have you heard about Fast track tool which providing the E-learning courses and materials to improve our personal skills and influence,ideas to reach success. They providing the resources which needed to keep our balance in an unstable environment.

Bill Starr, CEO, My Life List said...

Hi Alison, Thank you so much for the link very interesting. Must admit been a bit busy and have neglected the blog. Will get back at it. Thanks for the comment, makes me remember sharing is vital to helping people achieve their goals.