Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So Who's Holding You Back?

A few weeks ago I overheard a conversation between a patron and a bartender. It went something like this.

Patron: - “I have been planning this trip to Thailand & Vietnam for over a year, and now my friend says he can’t go. I could go alone but my Mom is worried sick of me traveling by myself. I really don’t know whether to go or wait for another time.”

Bartender: - “Really you would let the others hold you back? Were you taking the trip for your friend or was it something you’ve always wanted to do?”

Patron: - “No the trip was my idea and something I’ve been wanting do since college…”

It was at that moment it dawned on the patron that his friend not joining him and his Mother’s concerns were just barriers he needed to overcome to go on his dream trip.

I’m sure you’ve all been involved in similar conversations like the one above. Whether it was to go away to School, leave the job that was making you miserable, or to enter into that new relationship. The reality is we all have people that our close to us that are imparting their fears and concerns on us. It’s important to listen and understand their point of view, but keep it in perspective and be careful not to let their fears hold you back from achieving your dreams!

So is there anyone holding you back from achieving something you’ve always dreamed of doing?

“You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path. – Les Brown, American Author

About Bill Starr
Bill Starr is an avid 'life lister' and a founding partner and CEO of My Life List™ (, an award winning goal achievement website that uses a proven methodology and the power of social networking to help people achieve their goals and inspire others.

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